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Simeka Health Pty Ltd

The right medical scheme and option, can protect your health and your pocket.

Simeka Health Pty (Ltd) is a healthcare consulting and advisory business. Simeka Health Pty (Ltd) is a registered authorised Financial Service Provider, accredited by the Council for Medical Schemes and represents various medical schemes, gap cover providers and primary care health insurance providers.

At Simeka Health we believe that your medical scheme option should provide you and your loved ones with benefits that cover all your needs, at a rate that’s affordable for you. Our mission is to provide health benefit solutions that suit our clients’ unique requirements for continuous enhancement of their well-being. Our specialised team of accredited healthcare consultants is equipped with the required knowledge and expertise to analyse your needs and provide you with obligation free quotations at no additional cost to you.

Individuals: We assist individuals with the appropriate healthcare solutions best suited for their needs.
For more information, please download the brochure.

Employers: At Simeka Health we can assist in implementing appropriate and cost-effective healthcare solutions for your employees. Alternatively, if you have a programme in place, we can help by maximising your employee benefits at more affordable levels.
For more information, please download the brochure.

Gap Cover: Simeka Health offers Gap Cover solutions that will protect you against unexpected medical expenses.
For more information, please download the brochure.

Summary of 2024 Options and Contributions

We understand that no two people or families’ health care needs are the same, and no one understands your own personal needs better than you. That’s why we are proud to work with some of the most trusted and reputable medical schemes in South Africa to bring you an extensive range of health plan options - because when it comes to the good health of your family, you deserve to choose from the best of the best.

  • Entry-level plans offering basic primary care via network providers, generally income based
  • Designed for lower-income earners and younger families with primary care needs who are willing to make use of network providers
Scheme Plan Hospital Provider Chronic Provider Out-of-hospital Benefit Monthly Income Principal Member Adult Dependant Child Dependant
Bestmed Rhythm 1 MediClinic and NHN DSP's Bestmed listed phy Day-to-day benefits R0 - R9 000 R 1 432 R 1 432 R 590
MediClinic and NHN DSP's Bestmed listed phy Day-to-day benefits R9 000 - R14 000 R 1 670 R 1 670 R 710
MediClinic and NHN DSP's Bestmed listed phy Day-to-day benefits R14 001+ R 2 983 R 2 983 R 1 545
Rhythm 2 MediClinic and NHN DSP's Bestmed listed phy Day-to-day benefits R0 - R5 500 R 2 100 R 1 996 R 1 264
MediClinic and NHN DSP's Bestmed listed phy Day-to-day benefits R5 501 - R8 500 R 2 523 R 2 397 R 1 514
MediClinic and NHN DSP's Bestmed listed phy Day-to-day benefits R8 501+ R 3 027 R 2 725 R 1 514
Bonitas BonCap BonCap Hospital networks Pharmacy Direct Day-to-day benefits R0 - R10 680 R 1 430 R 1 430 R 673
BonCap Hospital networks Pharmacy Direct Day-to-day benefits R10 681 - R17 330 R 1 745 R 1 745 R 802
BonCap Hospital networks Pharmacy Direct Day-to-day benefits R17 331 - R22 540 R 2 813 R 2 813 R 1 064
BonCap Hospital networks Pharmacy Direct Day-to-day benefits R22 541+ R 3 453 R 3 453 R 1 310
BonStart BonStart Hospital Networks Pharmacy Direct Day-to-day benefits / Virtual N/A R 1 378 R 1 378 R 1 378
BonStart Plus BonStart Hospital Networks Pharmacy Direct Day-to-day benefits / Virtual N/A R 1 754 R1 668 R 773
Discovery Health KeyCare Plus KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R0 to R9 450 R 1 652 R 1 652 R 601
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R 9 451 - R 15 250 R 2 271 R 2 271 R 640
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R15 251 R 3 354 R 3 354 R 897
KeyCare Core KeyCare network hospital MedXpress No day-to-day benefits R0 - R 9450 R 1 239 R 1 239 R 755
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress No day-to-day benefits R 9 451 - R 15 250 R 2 085 R 2 085 R 817
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress No day-to-day benefits R 15 251 R 3 247 R 3 247 R 883
KeyCare Start KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R0 - R10 100 R 1 286 R 1 286 R 336
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R 10 101 - R15 250 R 1 604 R 1 604 R 398
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R15 251 R 2 454 R 2 454 R 557
KeyCare Start Regional KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R0 - R10 100 R 1 102 R 1 102 R 664
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R10 101 - R 15 250 R 1 666 R 1 666 R 735
KeyCare network hospital MedXpress Day-to-day benefits R15 251 R 2 597 R 2 597 R 795
Fedhealth myFED myFED network hospital Designated pharmacy network Day-to-day benefits R1 - R6 251 R 1,402 R 1,402 R 597
myFED network hospital Designated pharmacy network Day-to-day benefits R6 252 - R8 550 R 1,430 R 1,430 R 661
myFED network hospital Designated pharmacy network Day-to-day benefits R8 551 - R10 219 R 1,706 R 1,482 R 834
myFED network hospital Designated pharmacy network Day-to-day benefits R10 220 - R12 622 R 2,392 R 2,088 R 1 041
myFED network hospital Designated pharmacy network Day-to-day benefits R12 623 - R14 426 R 3,040 R 2,506 R 1,188
myFED network hospital Designated pharmacy network Day-to-day benefits R14 427+ R 4,123 R 3,756 R 1,571
Momentum Ingwe Option State Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network <=R825 R 541 R 541 R 466
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R876 - R8 550 R 942 R 942 R 508
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R8 551 - R11 325 R1 078 R1 078 R 521
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R11 326 - R16 100 R 1 259 R 1 259 R 544
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R16 101 + R 2 174 R 2 174 R 653
Ingwe Option network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network <=R875 R 541 R 541 R 488
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R876 - R8 550 R 1 184 R 1 184 R 542
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R8 551 - R11 325 R 1 507 R 1 507 R 564
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R11 326 - R16 100 R2 069 R2 069 R 609
Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network Ingwe Primary Care network R16 101 + R 2 970 R 2 970 R 875
Ingwe Option Any Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network <=R875 R 541 R 541 R 541
Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network R876 - R8 550 R1 538 R1 538 R 610
Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network R8 551 - R11 325 R2 151 R2 151 R 650
Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network R11 326 - R16 100 R2 930 R2 930 R 683
Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network Ingwe Active Primary Care network R16 101 + R 3 760 R 3 760 R 1 091
Fusion Option Fusion Network State None <= R8 550 R1 199 R1 199 R 314
Fusion Network State None R8 551 - R11 325 R1 432 R1 432 R 356
Fusion Network State None R11 326 - R16 100 R1 476 R1 476 R 367
Fusion Network State None R16 101 - R22 200 R2 404 R2 404 R 546
Fusion Network State None R22 201 + R2 765 R2 765 R 628

Bestmed Rhythm 2

Hospital Provider Rhythm Hospital network
Chronic Provider Bestmed listed phy
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R0 - R5 500
Principal Member R 2 100
Adult Dependant R 1 996
Child Dependant R 1 264

Bestmed Rhythm 2

Hospital Provider Rhythm Hospital network
Chronic Provider Bestmed listed phy
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R5 501 - R8 500
Principal Member R 2 523
Adult Dependant R 2 397
Child Dependant R 1 514

Bestmed Rhythm 2

Hospital Provider Rhythm Hospital network
Chronic Provider Bestmed listed phy
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R8 501+
Principal Member R 3 027
Adult Dependant R 2 725
Child Dependant R 1 514

Bestmed Rhythm 1

Hospital Provider Rhythm Hospital network
Chronic Provider Bestmed listed phy
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R0 - R9 000
Principal Member R 1 432
Adult Dependant R 1 432
Child Dependant R 590

Bestmed Rhythm 1

Hospital Provider Rhythm Hospital network
Chronic Provider Bestmed listed phy
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R9 000 - R14 000
Principal Member R 1 670
Adult Dependant R 1 670
Child Dependant R710

Bestmed Rhythm 1

Hospital Provider Rhythm Hospital network
Chronic Provider Bestmed listed phy
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R14 000+
Principal Member R 2 983
Adult Dependant R 2 983
Child Dependant R 1 545

Bonitas BonCap

Hospital Provider BonCap Hospital networks
Chronic Provider Pharmacy Direct
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R0 - R10 680
Principal Member R 1 430
Adult Dependant R 1 430
Child Dependant R673

Bonitas BonCap

Hospital Provider BonCap Hospital networks
Chronic Provider Pharmacy Direct
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R10 681 - R17 330
Principal Member R 1 745
Adult Dependant R 1 745
Child Dependant R802

Bonitas BonCap

Hospital Provider BonCap Hospital networks
Chronic Provider Pharmacy Direct
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R17 331 - R22 540
Principal Member R 2 813
Adult Dependant R 2 813
Child Dependant R1 064

Bonitas BonCap

Hospital Provider BonCap Hospital networks
Chronic Provider Pharmacy Direct
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R22 541+
Principal Member R 3 453
Adult Dependant R 3 453
Child Dependant R1 310

Bonitas BonStart

Hospital Provider Network C
Chronic Provider Pharmacy Direct
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits / Virtual
Monthly Income N/A
Principal Member R 1 378
Adult Dependant R 1 378
Child Dependant R 1 378

Bonitas BonStart Plus

Hospital Provider Network C
Chronic Provider Pharmacy Direct
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits / Virtual
Monthly Income N/A
Principal Member R 1 754
Adult Dependant R 1 668
Child Dependant R773

Discovery Health KeyCare Plus

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R0 to R9 450
Principal Member R 1 652
Adult Dependant R 1 652
Child Dependant R601

Discovery Health KeyCare Plus

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R9 451 to R15 250
Principal Member R 2 271
Adult Dependant R 2 271
Child Dependant R640

Discovery Health KeyCare Plus

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R15 251
Principal Member R 3 354
Adult Dependant R 3 354
Child Dependant R897

Discovery Health KeyCare Core

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit No day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R 0 - R 9450
Principal Member R 1 239
Adult Dependant R 1 239
Child Dependant R755

Discovery Health KeyCare Core

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit No day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R 9 451 - R 15 250
Principal Member R 2 085
Adult Dependant R 2 085
Child Dependant R817

Discovery Health KeyCare Core

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit No day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R15 251
Principal Member R 3 354
Adult Dependant R 3 354
Child Dependant R897

Discovery Health KeyCare Start

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R0 - R10 100
Principal Member R 1 286
Adult Dependant R 1 286
Child Dependant R 336

Discovery Health KeyCare Start

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R 10 101 - R 15 250
Principal Member R 1 604
Adult Dependant R 1 604
Child Dependant R398

Discovery Health KeyCare Start

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R 15 251
Principal Member R 2 454
Adult Dependant R 2 454
Child Dependant R557

Discovery Health KeyCare Regional

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R0 - R10 100
Principal Member R 1 102
Adult Dependant R 1 102
Child Dependant R664

Discovery Health KeyCare Regional

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income R10 101 - R15 250
Principal Member R 1 666
Adult Dependant R 1 666
Child Dependant R735

Discovery Health KeyCare Regional

Hospital Provider KeyCare network hospital
Chronic Provider MedXpress
Out-of-hospital Benefit Day-to-day benefits
Monthly Income 15251
Principal Member R 2 597
Adult Dependant R 2 597
Child Dependant R795

Fedhealth myFED

Hospital Provider myFED network hospital
Chronic Provider Designated phar