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Yes, yes and yes. Countless studies have proven that exercise is beneficial for your health and as we age, physical activity becomes even more important. Everybody, young and old, should aim to make regular exercise part of a daily routine. Not only is it good for your physique, but it improves mental health as well, which will help maintain your independence as you age.

Some of the myths that stop older people from exercising are:

  • Getting older means getting decrepit – this is not true, as some people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s still run marathons and even become bodybuilders
  • It isn’t safe for my age, I will break some or other bone in my body – to exercise actually builds strength, balance and agility and reduces your chances of a fall
  • Chronic health problems indicate that I shouldn’t exercise at all – exercise is certainly a good idea even if you have a chronic health problem such as arthritis, diabetes or heart disease, but check with your doctor first if you are worried about your condition
  • It’s too late to start now, I’m not fit and never exercised before – starting late in life can still cut the risk of health problems such as diabetes. It is never too late to start exercising and reaping the benefits

Getting older should not scare you off from doing physical exercise. It is safe for most adults older than 65 years of age to exercise and this includes even patients who have chronic illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis. In fact, many of these conditions are improved with exercise, however, if you are unsure if exercise is safe for you or if you are currently inactive, rather speak to your doctor.

Silver Fit is an exercise and wellness programme specifically designed to keep older adults (60+) mobile, independent and strong. You are challenged through gentle exercise, in a safe and suitable group class format that is progressed and varied as needed for each individual. The classes are fun and social and we encourage people to work at their own pace and ability. Silver Fit is helping a generation defy the odds, shatter stereotypes and live out their golden years actively.

Silver Fit exercise and wellness programme online
Exercise and seniors
Healthy aging

Although this document has been prepared with due care and in good faith, the interpretations and opinions are those of the authors and are subject to change without notice. As such, the contents do not constitute definitive advice and should not be accepted as such. Neither Simeka Heatlh (Pty) Ltd nor the authors accept liability for any damage whatsoever or however it may arise, including but not limited to, direct, indirect or consequential loss that may arise as a result of sole reliance on the information herein. Competent professional advice should be sought when dealing with any contentious issue. Simeka Health (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sanlam.



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