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Saving for Retirement

Prepare for retirement by saving regularly or making a one-off payment.

It’s never too early to start saving for retirement. Every little bit you save counts and these savings will grow over time to secure a solid nest egg so that you can enjoy the retirement you deserve after years of hard work.

 Saving for Retirement Solutions



Sanlam Cumulus Echo Retirement Plan Cumulus Echo Retirement PlanSanlam Cumulus Echo Retirement Plan<p>Minimum payment</p><h3>From R300 per​ month or<br>R25 000 one-off</h3><p>Investment period</p><h3>Until at least age 55</h3>​ <p> <b>Features and Benefits:​</b></p><ul><li>Great value for the committed saver looking for choice</li><li>Unique Wealth Bonus: the longer and more you save, the higher your bonus<br></li></ul>​​<br> OnlineOrange
Sanlam Cumulus Echo Retirement Plan Cumulus Echo Retirement PlanSanlam Cumulus Echo Retirement Plan<p>Minimum payment</p><h3>From R300 per​ month or<br>R25 000 one-off</h3><p>Investment period</p><h3>Until at least age 55</h3>​ <p> <b>Features and Benefits:​</b></p><ul><li>Great value for the committed saver looking for choice</li><li>Unique Wealth Bonus: the longer and more you save, the higher your bonus<br></li></ul>​​<br> OnlineOrange
Glacier Retirement Annuity Retirement AnnuityInvest in a Glacier retirement annuity with Sanlam. This flexible tax saving plan allows you to choose from a range of local & offshore funds – from R2500 P/M.Glacier Retirement Annuity<p>Minimum contribution</p><h3>R100 000 lump sum with <br>​R1 000 monthly, OR<br>No lump sum with R2 500 monthly<br>Ad hoc investments: R15 000​​<br></h3><p>Investment period</p> <h3>Until at least age 55</h3>​<p> <b>Features:</b></p><ul><li>Benefit from tax deductions based on your contributions</li><li>Stop and start contributions at any time without penalties</li></ul> InformationBlue




Saving for Retirement for RetirementEnsure a comfortable retirement with our savings plans and funds. Solutions include Sanlam Retirement, Cumulus Echo and Glacier Annuities. Enquire online.By investing a lump sum or some of your salary each month, you can grow your money over time so that you can retire comfortably. No matter how much you need to or can afford to save, the most important thing is to stay committed to saving., /personal/retirement/savingforretirement/PublishingImages/Saving for Retirement.png?RenditionID=5
Retirement Preservation PreservationWhen changing jobs, transfer your retirement savings to a retirement preservation fund to continue growing your investment. Contact Sanlam for more insights.If you are retrenched or move jobs, you can maintain your retirement plan by moving it into a preservation fund. Resist the temptation to cash in your savings, as it will be very hard to make up for the value you’ll lose.,

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