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Retirement Preservation

Continue growing your retirement savings when you change jobs.

It can be tempting to cash out your retirement fund when you change jobs. However, it will be difficult to make up the amount you lose in the long term, which means you will compromise the quality of your retirement lifestyle. Rather transfer your retirement savings to a preservation fund so that your money can continue to grow.

 Retirement Preservation Solutions



Sanlam Cumulus Echo Preservers Cumulus Echo PreserversKeep growing your retirement savings when you change jobs with the Sanlam Cumulus Echo Preservers fund. You’ll be rewarded with a bonus if you invest until retirement.Sanlam Cumulus Echo Preservers<p>Minimum payment</p><h3>R25 000 lump sum <br> Ad hoc payments of R5 000 </h3><p>Investmen​t period</p><h3>Until at least age 55</h3>​ <p> <b>Features:​</b></p><ul><li>A bonus payment to reward you for remaining invested <br></li><li>You can choose from a range of leading investment funds <br> ​<br></li></ul>​/personal/retirement/retirementpreservation/Pages/sanlam-cumulus-echo-preservers.aspxGet InformationBlue
Sanlam Cumulus Echo Preservers Cumulus Echo PreserversKeep growing your retirement savings when you change jobs with the Sanlam Cumulus Echo Preservers fund. You’ll be rewarded with a bonus if you invest until retirement.Sanlam Cumulus Echo Preservers<p>Minimum payment</p><h3>R25 000 lump sum <br> Ad hoc payments of R5 000 </h3><p>Investmen​t period</p><h3>Until at least age 55</h3>​ <p> <b>Features:​</b></p><ul><li>A bonus payment to reward you for remaining invested <br></li><li>You can choose from a range of leading investment funds <br> ​<br></li></ul>​/personal/retirement/retirementpreservation/Pages/sanlam-cumulus-echo-preservers.aspxGet InformationBlue
Glacier Preservation Funds Preservation FundsGlacier Preservation Funds<p>Minimum contribution<br></p><h3>R100 000 lump sum<br> PLUS ad hoc contributions of R15 000<br></h3><p>Investment period<br></p><h3>Until at least age 55<br></h3><p> <b>Features:​​</b></p><ul><li>Complete flexibility to change your underlying investments </li><li>Freedom to move your money to another company’s preservation fund without any penalty<br></li></ul> InformationBlue




Saving for Retirement for RetirementEnsure a comfortable retirement with our savings plans and funds. Solutions include Sanlam Retirement, Cumulus Echo and Glacier Annuities. Enquire online.By investing a lump sum or some of your salary each month, you can grow your money over time so that you can retire comfortably. No matter how much you need to or can afford to save, the most important thing is to stay committed to saving., /personal/retirement/savingforretirement/PublishingImages/Saving for Retirement.png?RenditionID=5
Retirement Preservation PreservationWhen changing jobs, transfer your retirement savings to a retirement preservation fund to continue growing your investment. Contact Sanlam for more insights.If you are retrenched or move jobs, you can maintain your retirement plan by moving it into a preservation fund. Resist the temptation to cash in your savings, as it will be very hard to make up for the value you’ll lose.,

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